Sunday, October 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Mom (8/10/2008)

And I just realized what today is. I'm surprised that my aunt hasn't called me yet, or maybe she has I just don't hear the phone ringing.

Today is my Mom's birthday. She would have been 61 years old today. I miss her a lot. I wonder what she would have wanted to do on her day. She'd probably take me out with her to the stables and we'd go on a long trail ride. Or we'd go out to San Francisco to the Golden Gate park. That was a favorite place of hers, especially the Japanese Tea Garden.

Now that I make cakes for all my friends on their birthdays, I wonder what I would make for her. I don't even know what her favorite was.

My mom always had a smile. She was full of laughter, maybe that's where I get it from. She had the best friends, Debbie & Fran. They were the 3 musketeers they called themselves.

I miss you momma! Have a happy birthday!