Sunday, October 11, 2009

Best Wishes and Good Luck (7/23/2008)

So this saturday night is my 10 year high school reunion. I can't wait, I'm so excited. I can't wait to see girlfriends I gossiped with, the guys I passed notes back and forth with to see if he liked me too, being on the swim team with the only people I was ever comfortable wearing a bathing suit in front of, and some of the people I wasn't all that great of friends with back then.

The other night I got out my Senior Yearbook, and had to laugh at the name printed in little gold letters on the bottom corner of the cover. It says; Lauren "Yee Haw" Lilly. What was I thinking back then? That I would really go by that nickname for the rest of my life? I guess it's one of those things to look back on in life and laugh, and it surely made me laugh. It caused a chain reaction of memories from Senior year. The friends I had, the people I hung out with, the parties I used to go to that I wasn't supposed to be at, the crushes I had on classmates and other people I knew outside of school, the teachers I had and the ones I didn't care for. It brought back so many memories. Some not so good, some that were unbelieveable.

So I decided to open it and turn to the Senior section, which all of our pictures look the same. Black Tux for the guys and that black cloke thing they wrap around your shoulders for the girls. We all have a blue background and our name under our picture. Beside the names of the people I was friends with and hung out with or were acquainted with is a little asterik/star. Some of the people I have managed to keep in touch with, some I have no idea where they are or what they have been up to. Others I have no recollection of thier face or name. I have a few of them on my myspace page and now on Facebook, and I'm grateful for those websites. They have brought positive people I knew a long time ago back into my life.

I also had to take a moment and read what all my friends had to write in my yearbook. Most of them were the plain jane comments; "I had fun getting to know you our Senior Year, keep in touch" "Best wishes" "Let's hang out this summer at the lake" ....all the things you mean to do over the summer with your friends, but never really happen.

Then there are the ones that wish you the best future with your current boyfriend/girlfriend at the time of senior year/graduation. Yes I have a lot of those ones! The boyfriend I had during my senior year, well from Feb to the end of that the one they all wished me the best with and to make sure they were invited to the wedding. It's so funny to read now, and thinking if I would have actually invited some of them to my wedding if we had actually stayed together and gotten married. Probably not.

I have everything in place for the night of memories. The perfect dress, the shoes, the jewelry, a new haircut, my nails are done, I got a pedicure, my face is blemish free! Brad has a new shirt, jeans, shoes, now I just need him to shave!

The reunion is at Sierra Nevada Brewery, and I'm just so excited I don't know what else to say!