Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Wrist Tattoos

So I've been thinking about tattoos lately.

I would like to have mine finished, maybe by then of March it will be. I'm going to have pink stars with (glittery effects hopefully) the words 'Taking the long way to wide open spaces' some where in the mix.

(Oh, this is all a part of my existing chicken feet)

So, back to the thoughts I've been having about Tattoos...I want a wrist tattoo.

(I know Chole, you don't get the infatuation with them!)

I need some help deciding what I want though. I know I want it to be in a girly frilly cursive font & one word. Here are a few ideas I have so far:

1. Amoré (which is love in french)
2. Believe
3. Hope
4. Imagine
5. Hope

So give me your ideas or tell me which one you like best!


BloggingMolly said...

Oops...I put Hope on my list twice...I meant to write Dream

Oh & what about 'Wish' ?

Chole said...

It's OK, you are blonde-ish lol.
Hmm... well, I dunno. i will have to think about this. I *gasp* thought about getting my Beautiful Mistake tat on my wrist, but chcikened out lol