Thursday, September 11, 2008

I have a fever

Baby fever that is....

One of my girlfriends is pregnant with her second child, 4 people I know have had thier babies within the last month, and my babies are growing up.

I want to smell that clean Johnson & Johnson baby smell again, I want to do laundry with Dreft. I wanna buy all those cute clothes at work, and snuggle them up in soft cozy blankets. I wanna hear that lullaby that puts them to sleep 20 times over and over again...

But I guess I would have to be in the mood to have sex if I wanna try to have another baby huh?


BloggingMolly said...

Oh, and I'd have to have my "permant birth control" removed...

it hurt like a bitch going in, I don't wanna know what it feels like coming out!

Chole said...

You have an IUD? I was wondering how bad it hurts coming out...

BloggingMolly said...

I haven't had it taken out yet, and I probably won't for another 4 1/2 years...even then it will only be taken out to put another one back in!

BloggingMolly said...

And to make it even worse...I held a 5 week old little boy on Saturday, fed him a bottle and changed his diaper.