Friday, February 20, 2009

Spending...Bad girl!!!

I bought this dress today...I paid full price...(Bad girl Lauren!)

(did you hear that, or was it just the voice inside my head?)

I bought these today also...(It's not even CLOSE to payday!!!!)

(damn, there's that voice again!)

and I bought these Wednesday night...

(This isn't looking so good is it? But I can justify the purchase of them...they are for work!)

There are more dresses and stuff I want, but I think I'll wait till next Friday. I'll have an excuse to buy one...Nichole's birthday dinner party at Sierra Nevada! I'll definitely need a new dress for that!


BloggingMolly said...


LMAO ... I bought those flip flops last night and the khakis on Monday night .. I love the dress ... I might want it too! ha ha I also bought 150 in clothes for Kailey!

BloggingMolly said...

I love the dress too, and kept saying "I love it but I can't wear'll fall down!!!!" but, when I tried it on and wasn't too crazy for it, Melissa our Operator & I decided to attach a ribbon or something to make it a halter style...then we decided we could use the attached peices that tie in the front and just pull them up and tie behind the neck! Brav-O, instant halter and a little bit of a lift without a bra!

I also bought the long knit purple racer-back style dress by Mossimo Red...there wasn't a picture of it online! And the wednesday night (when I bought the pants) I bought a blue pinstriped style summer dress also.

All 3 dresses are in the VERY back of my closet, hidden by other things right now until further notice!