Saturday, November 1, 2008

The circle of life

I never used to believe in those churchy type sayings. You know, the kind like "God only gives you what you can handle" or "When a door closes, a window opens"...I believe in Karma & the ways of Buddhisim.

Well, this morning I now have reason to truly believe that when a door closes, a window really does open.

Our black lab, Sir Oliver Boliver McButt passed away. He contracted Parvo. I have never experienced it first hand until now, and it is such a cruel & rapid diesease.

I can't stand to remember the look on his face for the past 4 days. I've never seen a true 'puppy dog' face until Oliver came into my life.

As I said with the whole door & window thing...The night that Oliver was showing symptoms of being sick, my black cat, Bageerha came home. He was missing for about 2 weeks & we thought that he was gone.

So, I'm not sure if it is just a coincidence, or the ways of something/someone else. What ever it is...its a moment where you wanna cry both tears of joy & sadness, & you can't tell if you happy or sad.


BloggingMolly said...

It's so hard to open that garage door & not have him ram you in the knees, & pour a can of dog food into his bowl.